Today, I wanted to share with you guys the 50 activities you can do that is productive, entertaining, and did I mention completely free?
Do you ever feel like you have to spend money just to have a good time? It’s definitely okay to say yes to that because I can name a lot of things that sound like a good time that involves spending money. But say that you are completely tight on money. There is just no way you can keep spending money on things like going to the movies, going out to eat, going to the bowling alley, the bar, out to events, etc!
I don’t know about you but I find that there are more free activities to do during spring and summertime that I truly enjoy doing. It is possible to have a hell of a good time and not have to stress about spending a dime. You can make your bills on time plus build your savings! Needless to say, if you feel like there is nothing entertaining that you can do for FREE I am here to say that you are wrong.
50 activities to do for free
- DIY something you enjoy // seriously this can take up a good 2-4 hours of your time and your creation outcome is going to be far more rewarding!
- Clean out your car
- Declutter your home: Spend time searching for things you can get rid of and/or sell
- Exercise
- Find a new recipe off of youtube/tasty/yummly and try it yourself
- Journal
- Create a habit sheet
- Create artwork
- Organize your home
- DEEP clean your home
- Fix up your back yard
- Do some gardening
- Take some pictures of yourself, kids, family, pets, etc.
- Set up a financial plan
- Write out your goals and make an action plan
- Visit a FREE event nearby
- Go to the beach – find FREE parking
- Go for a nice walk if the weather allows it
- Explore the library
- Surf the web
- Organize your phone photos and apps – delete any unnecessary things
- Do Laundry/Sort and put up
- Watch a new series on Netflix
- Get together with family
- Get together with friends
- Go to the park: Walk the dogs, Enjoy the view, or let your kids play
- Play a video game
- Practice Self-Care
- Find a place to volunteer
- Enjoy the fireplace with some wine
- Learn a new skill
- Sort through your E-mail/DM’s/Mail
- Meditate
- Play a board game
- Teach your kids something new
- Spend time with your kids
- Teach your dog a new trick
- Go out for a picnic
- Go bike riding
- Go window shopping
- Write a letter to a relative
- Spend quality time with your spouse
- Turn up the music and sing/dance the day away
- Work on a puzzle
- Play an app on your phone
- Rearrange furniture/decor
- Write out a to-do list
- Go Geocaching
- Have a yard sale
- Volunteer somewhere
Here is your printable list to save on the GO.
I hope you enjoy this post! Any free activities you do that I have not mentioned above? I am always looking for more ideas to do for free without spending a dime! Share down below! Thanks for stopping by.